5-Minute Speech Activities: <https://www.home-speech-home.com/twenty-5-minute-speech-therapy-activities-you-can-do-at-home.html#.XqY0a-BjsFI.email>

Find books here that are loaded with your speech sounds (maybe you already have one at home!): <https://www.speechsproutstherapy.com/2015/01/sound-loaded-storybooks-for.html>

More books to target language, social, and speech skills (that you may already have!): <https://booksharetime.com/books#>

Videos About How to Make Your Speech Sounds: <

Practice activities for a variety of speech and language skills: <http://edubuzzkids.com/grade-subject-topic-subtopic-1169 > Let me know if you need help deciding what to do based on speech goals!